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Place of residence of mother (NUTS - 2024)Live births (No.) by Place of residence of mother (NUTS - 2024) and Sex; Monthly (2)
Data reference period (1)
July 2024
T: MF1: M2: F
No. No. No.
T: Total7 110 //3 642 //3 468 //
PT: Portugal7 082 //3 629 //3 453 //
YY: Foreigner28 //13 //15 //
Live births (No.) by Place of residence of mother (NUTS - 2024) and Sex; Monthly - Statistics Portugal, Live-birth statistics
(1) Preliminary values based on the information registered in the Civil Register Offices until 6th September 2024.
(2) The total number of live births may not correspond to the sum of the partial figures by sex, due to the existence of records with unknown sex.

This data last updated:september 13, 2024