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Enterprises in Portugal - 2020
Issue year: 2022


Statistical Information on Enterprises in Portugal, from 2023 on, is available at Press Releases-Enterprises in Portugal 

With the publication Enterprises in Portugal - 2020, Statistics Portugal updates and gives additional information about the main statistical findings regarding the structure and evolution of the non-financial business sector in Portugal, in 2020, obtained from the Integrated Business Accounts System (IBAS). Also, in this edition, Statistics Portugal updates information on enterprise groups, integrating several sources of statistical data.

The table results, available in .xlsx files, include the demographic, economic and equity indicators of the total enterprises and the non-financial enterprises in Portugal:

1) Business demography indicators of the enterprises in Portugal, 2008-2020

2) Economic and equity indicators of the enterprises in Portugal, 2008-2020

3) Business demography indicators of the non-financial enterprises in Portugal, 2008-2020

4) Economic and equity indicators of the non-financial enterprises in Portugal, 2008-2020

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Empresas em Portugal : 2020. Lisboa : INE, 2022. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0872-9514. ISBN 978-989-25-0598-5

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