Home :: Revision of the Gender database
Revision, update and improvement of the content and scope of the GDB, considering the need to provide data that allow for interregional and international comparability, follow the development of policy measures and respond to other information needs, such as the Sustainable Development Indicators.
This action aims to review, update and improve the content and coverage of the Gender Database considering the need to make available data that allow interregional and international comparability, monitor the development of policy measures defined in the Portuguese Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2018-2030 - Action Plan for Equality between Men and Women, as well as respond to other information needs (for example, the Sustainable Development Indicators).
The revision process of the Gender Database includes reviewing and updating the set of indicators currently available, with reference to similar databases made available by other Statistical Institutes and international organisations, as well as international studies, reports and recommendations. For this process, relevant data sources currently not considered for filling the database and data will also be identified.
Expected result
To make available a revised, updated and improved Gender Database on Statistics Portugal website, including a platform to map data relevant to gender equality.
You may access the Gender dossier currently available at Statistics Portugal website.